Wednesday, August 22, 2012

NYC History - A litle bit on Big Events and some Economic Connections

Most of Our efforts are focused on current events, following news on Legislation, Financial Rules, Taxes, Economic and Financial events that are important for Financial Decision Makers and the avenues where CPA's can add support on Services and also contribute in a productive way to the Community.

CPAs work with Financial, Operational, Accounting, Tax and Analytical Data in different ways and we have broadend the scope where we specifically exist to connect that CPA's are at work across the Economy in Government, Industry, Non Profit and Individual supporting roles. We work with Financial skills as a class of professionals. Financial skills that have equal relevance to Family, Individual, Non Profit, Industry and Government Financials and related problem solving.

This shared what also happens is that CPA's become Financial Historians looking at Facts connecting to events and understanding the history in Financial terms. This   skill set exists in close compliment to Legal Skills enough so that through crossing a nearby bridge to broader Laws and Rules that a CPA has skills which when connected to Legal Research  and Government Research can evolve to support Attorney's with Legal Support Services.  It is probably more common then not within my peer group that we tend to appreciate history since we spend so much time working with Historical Financials. You can poll that for results if you like, I am now going to segue to another interesting and loosely related point where NYC History and Economic Events connect through some off track research I was working on, It makes for an interesting read and I hope you will enjoy.

Narrowing in, I have a line of relatives that where very active in the foundation of NYS a line which goes back to the very early days when New York was New Amsterdam. In the States Our History lines are comparatively short but this would go back to the 1600s and is about as far as it goes in these parts. This is important because it brings us back to a line of Colonials who fought in the American Revolution and while these United States have evolved in many ways since then we still value the path of growth. We are the most unique and diverse city in NYC and all of that counts for the good that we are today but there also was a long and complex path to meet modernity. Something of a Nation is lost when it fails to value the improvements that have been made together, it is therefore important to remember the path of evolvement and to know that ALL along the way there have been New Yorkers pushing for Improvement and proud Americans working for a better future of Equality, Opportunity, Financial Independence and a Nation where Liberty and Justice for All could prevail and thrive. It would be hard to argue that that pursuit has yet met it's
fullest point but you could fairly state that we are always improving upon that path as a Nation.

For a process of almost three years in leading this practice there was a deep process of connecting with Rules, Laws and considering where the past, the present and the future meet and how we could help decision makers across the board in the Economy. The answer for us was in connecting to Our Roots, Our Shared Foundation the vision of the Nation, The Financials the current challenges in Public Finance and then celebrating the evolving history of what we share as a progressive nation, a Constitutional Republic where rugged individualism and the vision that the strong can protect the weak manage to find a meeting ground, and a vision that we all must excercise self reliance and work for success.

There has never been a more complex time in the Nation and the sheer enormity of Government, Local , State and National and Public Finance, supporting Financial Decision Makers and helping on the points where we all join together count. We have a strong vision that the best ways we can help are on the immediate Financial challenges for Clients and with a broader vision to continually grow in ability to help on knowledge for Public Decision making support for Families, Individuals, Communities, Localities, States and the National future we share.

This is an important time not to divide for differences, but to draw together for problem solving for the future we share as a Nation with shared Economic Interests. The points where we ALL work together as Financial Decision Makers are points where we can productively support the importance of the Nation, through valuing History, Progress, Growth and the idea that we are ALL custodians, trustees and beneficiaries in the Nations Economy with a duty to protect the Legacy of Trust for an Independent Nation with Economic Freedom, the vision of Equality and what we value together looking forward. The only way we really succeed is with a sense of Community and of Independence and Self Reliance, through the dignity of work and opportunities that support Families, Individuals, Communities and the Future we share.

It's the most complicated and challenging work of ALL through Governance to balance the lines of Individual Rights, Family, Individual and Community needs and the way that the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches work together through rule of law to piece it ALL together. We can only help on Financial Decision Making currently, but with sucess can open the pathways to help on broader needs by closing the GAP on Legal Title to work in the capacity to combine Financial and Legal skills to make a difference in the balance. Most of us lose interest and walk away from the Public Decision Making but it is an important way to make a difference. Each small part adds value to support Decision Makers.

Back on track I was conducting some research into New York History and following the line of a Family member through the Journals of NY History and an amazing account of that members Regiments contribution to the Nation's History when in that account I found ALL the complex history of  Economics, Finance, Politics and the divided nature of the Nation during the Civil War and the important role of NY Bankers and some split loyalties when it crossed into this poignant resource on great events in NY History:

NYC had a massive Draft Riot in 1863 with some social ugliness that was led by the seeds of discontent, some dodgy dealing by a well financed activist that utilized Wall Street in thier bad intents to sow discord and a backdrop complex dichotomy between State Rights and Federal Rights through a Federal Act of the time. The reading was a little bit more complex and I am ommitting the resource here that provided the backgound official view that it was a  well financed activist who caused the discord but the reading of what happened in NYC some 150 years ago read like some incredible movie. I am glad that we live in better times and that we have grown on relationships
respect and rule of law but still the history teaches that we have much to appreciate in improvement as a City, in the State and as a Nation.

This was more of a personal experience but since it led me to Economic, Social
and Financial History of this great city I thought it was to important to share this link then to let it go:

Follow this link to an interesting Historical Account of some major Economic, Financial and Social events that shaped NY via the Non Profit of a prominent NYC resident who really valued NYC history and cared enough to endow for the knolwedge of important Economic, Social, Political, Financial and Rights events that have shaped NYC as we know it today. The reason to share is to let you see more of the complex history, so we can value improvements and for Leaders to see the complex problems....

I found it very interesting and hope you will too... also know that we value people,
diverse groups, individuals, families, communities and all that we share. We find Problem solving in the Public Forum very interesting and these events help paint the complexity, improved civility and complex challenges that have been solved here in NY over many years.

Link to

CUNY Website in Virtual NY ( big challenges in History). where the immediate opportunity on Client Services also connects with an important Broader vision of needs we ALL share as Financial Decision Makers in the Economy. The vision is also to grow skills that can help on Problem Solving skills in Governance looking forward as we hopefully find sucess in growing in transition with Legal Skills to better position for forward leading roles to help on challenges.

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